Last week, Insurance Journal posted a new piece highlighting the findings of the top 5 Workers Comp claims and their causes.  Spoiler alert … I have listed them below.

  • strains and sprains (30 percent)
  • cuts or punctures (19 percent)
  • contusions (12 percent)
  • inflammation (5 percent)
  • fractures (5 percent)


These are listed by percentage of total claims, not by actual loss/claims payouts – there is a bit of distinction to be made.

So, my question is … What are you doing to limit these risks in your organization?  Have you taken the time to look at each position or job description and analyze the risk?

Insurance in todays world is much more about risk management and analysis than ever before.  Increased analytics give us modeling data and KPI that allow us to delve deeper into the cause and affect relationships in each business.

When you are ready to have an in-depth discussion about your organization, give us a call.



Here is a link to the entire article: